Dynamics of Islam starts from the period of inception until now, has been recorded in world history. Various important events that happen to give color to the development of human life,especially in the symbols of Islam.
Year 570 AD
Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, a city that is very important and famous in the Arabian Peninsula at that time. Prophet Muhammad originated from the Bani Hashim, the noblest tribes of the Quraysh tribe who dominated Arab society. Year of birth of Prophet Muhammad known as the "Year of the Elephant", because it coincided with the arrival of the troops led by Abraha's elephant (the governor of the kingdom of Ethiopia in Yemen) invaded Mecca to destroy the Ka'bah and move the center of this kegamaan to his country.Year 611 ADBy the age of 40 years, the Prophet Muhammad and often solitary vigil in the Cave of Hira.On 17 Ramadan 11 SH / August 6 611, the Angel Gabriel came and delivered the first revelation from the Almighty to Allag Muhammad: "Read the (calling) the name of your Lord, the Creator ..." (Qur'an 96:1-5). With that first revelation, Muhammad was chosen as an apostle of Allah SWT.Year 615 ADFirst Hijrah. Propagation is done by the Prophet Muhammad had many obstacles from the inhabitants and rulers of Mecca. Atrocities committed against the Muslims that the Prophet Muhammad encouraged his companions to evacuate out of Mecca. with deliberation, in the fifth year apostolate, the Prophet Muhammad set Abessinia (Ethiopia) as a country where emigrate.Year 620 ADIn the 10-year prophetic, Prophet Muhammad experienced the Isra Mi'raj. Isra is the journey of the Prophet's Holy Mosque (Mecca) to Masjidilaksa (Jerusalem), while the Mi'raj is the journey of Masjidilaksa to Sidratulmuntaha in seventh heaven. Ascension occurs concatenated in a single night in the company of the Angel Gabriel. The core is the command Prayer Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad received in Sidratulmuntaha. As scholars have argued that the conduct is the spirit of the Ascension of the Prophet, not his body. Others argue Ascension in part carried out by the body and spirit, not in a dream.In 622 ADBecause of the cruel treatment of the Quraysh against the Muslims in Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad immediately ordered his companions and followers to migrate to Yathrib (later called Madinaturrasul). Once the Prophet came and accepted the people of Medina, the Prophet Muhammad became the leader of the city. He laid the foundations of a solid life, among others, by setting the Charter of Medina for the formation of a new society which is called "state of Medina". With the formation of the state of Medina, Islam grew strongerIn 622 ADHijri year, the early Islamic era. Early in the year since the Hijra of the Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina in 622 AD Determination of Hijri year is determined by the Caliph Umar rear at 17 H/638 AD to hear suggestions of friends. Of the various proposals that appears, accept the proposed Ali Umar ibn Abi Talib that raised the event from Mekan Prophet migrated to Medina as the beginning of Islam. The reason, migration is a dividing point between the Mecca and Medina period, and is the largest momentum in the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad spread IslamYear 624 ADPeak of the conflict between the Muslims of Medina and the Quraysh idolaters marked by wars in 17 Ramadan 2 H/624 AD that occur in Wadi Badr, 125 miles south of Medina.This war is known as the Battle of Badr.Year 625 ADThe war erupted on the Mount Uhud and called the Battle of Uhud. This war caused by the desire of revenge of the idolaters of Quraysh of Mecca who lost the Battle of Badr. Muslim troops initially succeeded in making the army of Quraysh retreated, but due to the negligence of the Muslim forces, which create a backlash of Islamic forces wedged so Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib, who was nicknamed "the Lion of God" were killed.In 627 ADBattle of the Trench or Azhab War (Ahzab, ally) occurred in the month of Shawwal 5 H/627 M. This is a war between Muslims and Jews who allied with the Quraysh and other tribes to fight against the Prophet and their followers. This war was called the Battle of the Trench (Trench: a trench) as it pertains to the strategy of the Muslims who dig trenches on the plains of the northwest city of Medina to impede the enemy advance.Year 628 ADIn Zulkaidah 6 H (628 AD), the Muslims and the idolaters of Mecca make Hudaibiyah Agreement. This agreement made concerning the prohibition against the Prophet entourage entered the city of Mecca for the pilgrimage (hajj) by the Quraish who expect to be attacked. After sending each other envoys, the end of the Quraysh sent Suhayl ibn Amr to meet the Prophet and make a peace treaty. Sentences written agreement of Ali ibn Abi Talib on the orders of the Prophet SAWYear 630 ADThe conquest of Mecca (Makkah Al-Fath) and cleaning idols around the Kaaba. The Quraysh violated the Agreement Hudaibiyah and help their allies attacking allies of the Muslims. Knowing this, the Prophet Muhammad with 10,000 people traveled to Mecca army. Unless he got a little resistance from the Ikrimah and Safwan, the Prophet Muhammad did not have difficulty entering the city of Mecca. Muslim troops entered the city of Mecca without violence. The whole idols around the Kaaba in Mecca was destroyed. Since the conquest of Mecca was under the authority of the Prophet Muhammad.
In 632 ADIn 10 AH, the Prophet Muhammad last pilgrimage (hajj wadak) with around 100,000 followers. Two months after wadak pilgrimage, the Prophet suffered from pain. On 13 Rabiulawal 11 H / 8 June 632 AD, Prophet Muhammad's death.Years 633-642 ADOnce the position of Islam in Mecca grew stronger, Islam began to spread its wings. Islam spread quickly to Persia, Syria, Palestine and Egypt. In 641 Muslim Arabs ruled Egypt, and conquered the whole of North Africa.Year 650 ADAt the suggestion of Umar bin Khattab, during the caliphate of Abu Bakr Al-Quran writings scattered muulai collected and put together. Bakr Abu Zaid bin Sabit commissioned to collect and compile the Qur'an into one Mushaf, which became known as the Mushaf Usmani (Usman bin Affan)Year 661 ADAfter the Al-Khilafat al-Rasyidun, Mu'awiyah from Bani Umayyad founded the Umayyad dynasty, in Syria.The year 711 ADUmayyad Muslim forces under the leadership of Tariq ibn Ziyad conquered southern Spain. This is the beginning of the conquest of Andalusia.Year 712 ADIslam began to enter Central Asia, such as Bukhara and SamarkandIn 750 ADLast Caliph Umayyad Damascus (Syria), Marwan II (744-750), defeated in battle on the River Zab. This event also marks the end of the Umayyad dynasty and the founding of the Abbasid dynasty by Abu Abbas as-Saffah as the first caliphYear 751 ADAtlakh battle at Talas (now included in the Kirghiz). Muslim army defeated the Chinese army and getting to know the paper from Chinese prisoners of war.Year 756 ADAfter the Umayyad rule ended in Damascus (750 AD), the only family member's remaining Bani Umayyad, Abdurrahman, had escaped and crossed into Spain. There he built a new Umayyad dynasty with a center of power in Cordoba.Year 762 ADAl-Mansur, second Abbasid rulers, moved the capital of the Abbasid Hasyimiyah to Baghdad, and make it the cultural center of world trade sarta Islam.The year 800 ADAfter more extensive relations with the outside world the Islamic world, Muslim merchants began trading to China.In 827 ADEarly Muslim conquest of Sicily by the forcesYear 830 ADBaitulhikmah, a science institute and center penerjemahaan Greek works into Arabic, was founded in Baghdad by the Caliph al-Ma'mumYear 868 ADTulun dynasty established in EgyptYear 870 ADThe conquest of Malta by Muslim forces.Year 909 ADShiite Fatimid Ismailis who stood in North Africa and Egypt. This dynasty get away from the Abbasids in Baghdad.Years 912-961 ADUnder Islamic rule, Cordoba became the center of the development of science in EuropeYear 970 ADFatimid rulers founded Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo. At first, al-Azhar only serves as a jami (big mosque) but later became jami'ah (university). Al-Azhar University was recorded as the oldest university in the world.Years 1096-1099 ADCopy the beginning of the War I (the period of conquest). Crusades were religious wars between European Christians and Muslims in Asia. This war happened because the reaction of Christians against Muslims who are considered to attack and occupy important cities and holy places of Christendom. In addition to the number of troops involved are very large and both parties, the Crusades also included a number of community leaders. The first Crusaders defeated Seljuk Dynasty troops. The next attack led crusaders Godfrey of Bouillon had occupied Jerusalem in 1099.Years 1144-1192 ADSecond Crusade (Muslim reaction period). Muslim forces led Imanuddin Zangi, Governor of Mosul, captured Allepo and Edessa (1144). After Imanuddin died, his leadership was replaced by his son Nur al-Din Zangi, who had mastered Damascus (1147), Antioch (1149) and Egypt (1169)Years 1171-1773 ADSalahudin al-Ayyubid Sultan (Saladin) took control of Egypt. This is the power Ayubiyah Dynasty and also marks the end of Fatimid rule.Year 1187 ADSalahudin al-Ayyubid Sultan defeated the Crusaders at the Battle of Hattin (to the west of Lake Tiberias, northeast Yarusalem) and managed to seize control of the city Yarusalem and liberate Palestine as a whole.Years 1189-1192 ADThird Crusade. Crusaders under the leadership of Philip II and Richard I merbut Acre (Yarusalem). Sultan Salahudin a ceasefire and a peace treaty with Richard I.Years 1202-1204 ADFourth Crusade. Constantinople ruled by Baldwin. He became the first king of Rome-Latin in the city.In 1206 ADIslamic forces captured Delhi. Delhi Sultanate stands (1206-1555) as the first Islamic kingdom in North India, with its king Qutbuddin Aibak of the Mamluk dynasty IndiaYears 1217-1221 ADV. Crusade Muslim troops recaptured the city of Damiette in Egypt (1221), having previously held the Crusaders.Years 1228-1229 ADSalilb War VI. Crusaders under the leadership of Frederik II reoccupied YarusalemYear 1250 ADMamluk dynasty of Egypt stood, with Izzuddin Aibak (1250-1257) as the first sultanIn 1258 MAbbasid destruction caused by several factors, both internal and external. Internal factors include, among other unhealthy competition among several nations gathered in it, especially Arabic, Persian and Turkish; conflict Islamic school of thought that often lead to bloodshed; the emergence of small dynasties who want independence from the Abbasid central power in Baghdad ; and deterioration in the economy as a result of deterioration in the political field. The external factor was the Crusades that occurred in several waves and the presence of the Mongol army under Hulagu Khan, who burned down the city of Baghdad.In 1270 ADCrusaders under the leadership of Ludwig captured Tunis. Many Crusaders attacked the victim because of the bubonic plague, including Ludwig himself. Then, city to city can be re-captured and controlled by Islamic forces.Year 1291 ADCrusades ended (period of the destruction of the Crusaders). In this period came the Crusades a Muslim heroine, Syajar ad-Durr. He successfully defeated the Crusaders and the capture of King Louis IX, king of France but the release of this and let him return to his country. The Turks regained control of Acre (Jerusalem). Strength of the Crusaders last fall into the hands of the Mamluk army.Year 1300 ADOttoman dynasty was established in Turkey. Ottoman dynasty was founded by Usman, son Atogrol of Mongol tribes in the area OghusYears 1420-1437 ADUlugh Beg Observatory was founded in Samarkand. The observatory is the best and most magnificent observatory in the world of Islam and many used the scientists at that time.Year 1453 ADOttoman forces managed to seize the city of Constantinople from the hands of the Byzantine rulers. This is the end of the Byzantine Empire and Constantinople became the capital of the Ottoman Empire and a new spiritual center of the Islamic world.Year 1492 ADGranada, the last Muslim kingdom in Spain, fell into the hands of the Catholic king, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of GastilleYear 1526 ADMughal dynasty stood. This dynasty was founded by Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur (1482-1530), a descendant of Timur Lenk Mongol ethnic groups (descendants Jengiz Khan who had converted to Islam)Years 1609-1614 ADAfter the loss of Muslim rule in Spain, Spanish Muslims (Moriscos) were expelled from SpainIn 1746 ADMuhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab introduces understand Wahabis in Arabia Peninsula.Understand this confirms that the Muslims return to the pure sources of Islamic teachings as contained in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAWYear 1821 ADChinese Muslim rebellion in Sinkiang, ChinaYears 1838-1897 ADJamaluddin al-Afghani spark understand pan-Islamism (the unity of Islamic countries)The year 1858 ADMughal dynasty in India ended. After the arrival of the British, the Mughal Empire under British influence. Mughal rulers tried to break away from colonial Inggirs, but failed. Finally \, ending the Mughal king, Bahadur II (1837-1858), the British were expelled from the palaceIn 1905 MEarly Salafiyyah movement, ie movement that seeks to reveal the return of Islamic doctrine or go back to scripture. Salafi movement called "Reform Movement" because it held a renewal of religious and moral reform.In 1922 MTurkish Ottoman Empire collapsed. In an attempt to overthrow the Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1876-1922), military group formed a secret committee to overthrow the sultan, as the Committee of Union and Progress Society. One of its leaders was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.After the sultan's authority collapsed, Turkey became a republic (1923) by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as its first president.In 1926 MAl-Mu'tamar'Alam al-al-Islami (World Islamic Congress) gave birth to the first international Islamic organizations in Mecca, which is al-'Alam Rabita al-Islami (Muslim World League)Year 1941 ADAbu A'la al-Mawdudi founded the Jamaat Islamic movement in Lahore, India. This organization aims to implement the Islamisation of various aspects of social and economic life of the Indian community.In 1947 MThe idea of establishment of Pakistan, which originated from an idea initiated by Ahmad Khan and Muhammad Iqbal, eventually embodied by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. After the British surrender sovereignty to Pakistan on August 14, 197, stood the Islamic state of PakistanIn 1955 MWorld Congress of Muslim Youth (International Asembly of Muslim Youth [IAMY]) took place in Karachi, IndiaYear 1965 ADMalcolm X, a prominent Muslim and human rights campaigners in the U.S. who had led the Black Muslim movement, was killed. Malcolm X managed to attract blacks to follow this movement through his speeches and writingsYear 1967 ADArab-Israeli War ("Six Day War") broke out. This war broke out because the Palestinian issue. Since the state of Israel was established, the Palestinians feel oppressed and expelled from their homeland. Arab countries (Middle East) was also concerned with the Palestinian issue because there Masjidilaksa in Jerusalem, Palestine, one of the Muslim holy sites.In 1969 MCombustion Masjidilaksa by Israel on August 21, 1969 groundbreaking Muslims worldwide. Member states of the Arab League held an emergency meeting and they decided to hold a Summit (Summit) Islamic state as soon as possible. The first summit was held in Rabat, Morocco, on 22 to 25 September 1969. At this summit the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) was formed, precisely on 25 September 1969.Year 1979 ADAbdus Salam, the first Muslim scientist won the Nobel Prize in physics, thanks to the findings of his theory of "unified field".Year 1979 ADIran's Islamic Revolution is driven and led by Ayatollah Khomeini. This revolution is a social movement that goes against the monarchy under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi government in power since 1919. After the shah of Iran and his family left Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini took power and transform Iran into the Islamic Republic of Iran.In 1980 MIslamic Da'wah Council of Southeast Asia and Pacific Region (Regional Islamic Da'wah Council of Southeast and the Pacific) was established.Year 1991 ADThe Soviet Union broke up. Countries that are predominantly Muslim Central Asian independenceYears 1991-1992 ADBosnia-Hercegovina's independence from Yugoslavia. On April 7, 1992, the United States and the European Community (EU) recognized the independence of Bosnia-Hercegovina.Year 2001 ADUnited States (USA), UK, and some of its allies, the military offensive against the Taliban government in Afghanistan. Taliban accused of protecting Osama bin Laden (Osama bin Laden), people who think the USA is responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York, USA and part of the Pentagon building in Washington. The attack sparked condemnation from various countries around the world.Year 2003 ADIraq attacked the United States, Britain, and some of its allies; on suspicion of producing weapons of mass destruction. Action of this attack to get the UN condemnation and various countries in the world. Saddam Hussein's regime ended on 10 April 2003, along with the cast down the statue of Saddam
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