Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization in northeastern Africa. Civilization is centeredalong the mid to lower reaches of the Nile that the heyday around the 2nd century BC, theperiod known as the New Kingdom period. Area covers the northern Nile Delta region, up to Jebel Barkal at the Fourth Nile Cataract. At some particular time, the Egyptian civilizationextending to the southern Levant, Eastern Desert, the coastal Red Sea, Sinai Peninsula, as well as the Western Desert (focused on the few oases).

Ancient Egyptian civilization evolved for approximately three and a half centuries. Starting with the initial unification groups that exist in the Nile Valley around 3150 BC, this civilization is traditionally considered to end at around 31 BC, Roman sewaktuKekaisaran beginning to conquer and absorb the Egyptian Ptolemy as part of the Roman province.While this is not the first foreign occupation of Egypt, the period of Roman rule caused a political and religious changes gradually in the Nile Valley, effectively marking the end of the development of an independent Egyptian civilization.
Ancient Egyptian civilization was based on a good balance of control between human and natural resources, is characterized primarily by
regular irrigation of the Nile Valley;
mineral exploitation of the valley and surrounding desert regions;
early development of independent writing system and literature;
organization of collective projects;
trade with eastern Africa and central and eastern Mediterranean; and
military activities that show strong characteristics of the royal hegemony and cultural domination of neighboring regions on several different periods.
Management of these activities undertaken by the social elite, political, economic and social consensus through a complicated system based on religious belief under the figure of the demigod rulers (semi-divine), which is usually the male, through a succession of dynastic rulers who are known by the wider world as polytheistic beliefs.
On a map of Ancient Egypt. The southern part of Egypt they call the new Egypt. Northern parts of Egypt they call the old Egyptians. In Egypt there is a new valley of the kings, the Tombs Tuthankhamen. In Egypt a long time, there Giza, the largest pyramid.

In Egypt, of course there is the God and Goddess. One of them was the god Osiris, the god of death. Other gods Isis, Tawaret, Thoth, Sebek, Nut, Amun-Ra, and much more!Know ye that worship the ancient Egyptians some 2,000 gods and goddesses.
Tour Egypt
With a civilization that was started about 7000 years ago, Mesirmenempatkan itself in the top league of countries of the world tourist destination. It is not unusual, especially Pyramid and the Sphinx (one of the seven wonders of the world) has been thousands of years before Christ stood firm a silent witness to the birth of historical events in the valley of the Nile.
Do not be too surprised if you stepped in this country, every inch of ground which climbed to the event tells its own history, so about. As if we're walking through a giant museum which stores thousands of historical civilizations, ranging from Ancient Egypt (Coptic), Pharaoh (pharaoh), Greece (Hellenism), Roman to Islamic civilization that ever existed and developed in the country Ardhul Kinanah this.
Dramatic history began when the year 3400 BC. At that time a revolution in Egypt kebudadyaan which is the starting point for the progress of time, the beginning of farming culture. So that turned into a nomadic nature of attitudes persist, then formed a new society. After growing at last made up of small kingdoms.
Towards the year 3000 BC. The little kingdom kertajaan clustered into two large, ie Upper Egypt in the South with a capital of Thebes (now Luxor) and Jilir Egypt in the north with its capital Memphis. In fact, the next king of Lower Egypt named Menes could unite the two kingdoms, and ditetapkanlah Memphis as the capital. Menes effort apparently not only that, in his time also successfully created a font or symbol Hieroglyphics.
The series is in line with an expression of history the Greeks who called Memphisuntuk a name the capital of Ancient Egypt (2615-1990 BC.), Situated near Sakkara. Beginning of the first royal dynasty was founded in this city, and there are also many tombs of the first dynasty pemamgku (3200 BC.) As well as grave almost every second dynasty kings.Sememnjak founding of new kingdoms (1570-332 BC.), The capital of Ancient Egypt and then moved from Memphis to Thebes. Although the administration is run in Tehbes, but most government employees remained in Memphis and was buried at Sakkara. Sakkara itself was built for King Zoser of the 3rd dynasty.
A humanist named Champollion which followed the expedition Napolen Bonaparte occupied Egypt in 1798 when trying to investigate an inscribed stone (stele) which is found in the village of Rashid (known as the Rosetta Stone back). The inscription contains a decree of Ptolemy V of Greece, in 320 BC. The decree consists of three posts, namely: Hieroglyphics, Demotic, and Coptic which is a translation between each other.
Champollion in the investigation for decades over the inscription, terbacalah names Ptolemy and Cleopatra. Since then the letter Hieroglyphics can be read, and expose the secrets of ancient Egyptian history.
Until the year 332 BC. or as long as 2250 years, Egypt has been ruled by the pharaohs 330 which is divided into 31 dynasties. After that came Alexander the Great, Roman, Greek, and Islam which was brought by commanders 'Amr bin' Ash in the year 641 AD
Among the historical legacy of Egypt around Cairo as follows: [click on the sights you want to visit.
- Pyramid and Sphinx
- Fortress Salahudin
- Historic Mosque
- Egyptian Museum in Tahrir
- The Ancient Egyptian Thebes
- Port Said
- Sinai
- Alexandria
- Aswan
- Faiyoum

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