Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011


1.Kuta is located in the southern island of Bali, is one of the forerunner to the development of tourism in Bali. This place was once a fishing village as the development of tourism of Bali and Indonesia and Bali in particular, the locals started renting out private homes for rent as a place of lodging. Now Kuta has developed into an icon of tourism in Bali or better known as International city because it is a meeting place for tourists from all over the world and also local tourists. In terms of Kuta facility has complete facilities. Inns or hotels, restaurants, spas and other tourism supporters can too much here. Kuta Beach is a tourist spot that has been chosen to spend the holidays while in Kuta. Beaches with white sand was chosen as a place to surf sports and is also very suitable place to relax while waiting for the beautiful sunset beach of Kuta. Not one of thousands of tourists this beach is always crowded.                                
2.tanah Lot is one of the favorite destinations on the island of Bali. This tourist attraction famous for its temple of Tanah Lot which is located separately from the mainland, but still can be reached if low tide without having to use a boat. This temple is one of the main temple in Bali is known as Sad heaven.
Pura Tanah Lot Beraban situated in the village, Tabanan, about 1 hour 15 minutes drive from Kuta.
According to the story, this temple was built in the 16th century by the successful Nirartha Danghyang strengthen Hinduism in Bali island. Besides laden with historical value, this temple also offers the charm of these wonderful sunset (sunset) and is very crowded by tourists, especially in the afternoon.Offered a view similar to that in Uluwatu temple. Surely this place has always been an option for the tourist who was vacationing in Bali. How about you?.                                                                               3.Ubud, which is located in Gianyar regency, offers arts and cultural attractions for visitors.
Since the booming tourism in Bali, Ubud region also berkembangan become a center for the arts in Bali crafts ranging from wood carvings, gold and silver handicrafts, paintings and other art. Local cultural life of Bali is still maintained strong here.Not surprisingly, in the Ubud area much used as a place to learn the art of its main foreign tourists. They live here and the day-to-day filled with learning interaction with local residents. view  too nother place are beatuful, like ; Mas Village, Ubud region, known as a center of wood carving producing second to none. Almost along the road and the house you will find traditional Balinese art carvings in the gallery.As with the village craftsmen Celuk known as gold and silver, also a favorite place to get souvenirs.In the travel or tour route, the trip from Ubud you can continue to visit Kintamani For accommodation needs, Ubud offers many options that offer a "private escape" atmosphere away from the crowd with a beautiful view of hills. Among Pitamaha resorts, Maya Ubud, Sayan Four Seasons Resort and other international class hotel is a small example. Kintamani, which is located in Bangli district, is one of the favorite tourist attractions tourist options both domestically and abroad. Generally in almost any travel agent or tour operator in Bali, Kintamani entry in the itinerary (travel route) after visiting the Moon Stone (Barong Dance), the tourist area of ​​Ubud or Sukawati as a shopping center.
4.Kintamani offers a fresh atmosphere of the hills with temperatures around 18 degrees Celsius, much like the air in Bedugul. The main attraction of the region is a view of Mount Kintamani and Lake Batur. Mount Batur is a mountain that is still active status and the second highest after Mount Agung at Besakih. The best atmosphere is when enjoy lunch while enjoying the beauty of lake and mountain belching smoke friendly.

Interested in knowing more about Kintamani? Also a time to yourself to visit the village Trunyan located near the lake. But you have to cross by boat to get there by traveling approximately 20 minutes. The interesting and unique is the way the funeral locals certainly different from the prevalence in Bali. The bodies were buried without leaning against the tree. But the issue is not unique body odor because neutralized by the smell of fragrant wood called incense.
Unique is not it? If interested, why not incorporate alternative Kintamani attractions in your vacation? Congratulations on holiday in Bali.
5.Uluwatu, which is located at the southern tip of Bali island and towards the Indian Ocean, is a charming     tourist attractions.

What was interesting to see here is the temple that stands firmly on the rocks that jutted into the sea to a height of about 50 meters. In the afternoon enjoying the beautiful sunset, you can watch the famous Balinese dance performances up to foreign countries, the Kecak dance.
Not only that, for those of you who love to learn history, pretending that this one will be full of historical value. History will be outlined as follows:
In some sources said, about the year 1489 AD came to the island of Bali a purohita, writers and clergy named Danghyang Dwijendra. Danghyang Dwijendra is a Hindu priest, born in Kediri, East Java
Danghyang Dwijendra at walaka named Danghyang Nirartha. He married a daughter in Daha, East Java. In that place he also studied and in-diksa by law. Danghyang Nirartha bhiseka kawikon awarded by the name Danghyang Dwijendra. After in-diksa, Danghyang Dwijendra a duty to dharmayatra as one of the requirements kawikon. Dharmayatra this should be implemented on the island of Bali, with the addition of a very heavy task of arranging in-law, especially customary and religious life on the island of Bali. When deemed necessary dharmayatra it can be forwarded to the Sasak and Sumbawa Island.
Danghyang Dwijendra come to the island of Bali, first set foot on the outskirts of the southwestern coast of Jembrana for a moment to rest before continuing the journey dharmayatra. This is where Danghyang Dwijendra pemutik left (there is also mention pengutik) with shaft (starch) wood shelf. Starch wood shelf life and it turned into a tree thrives rack. Until now the leaves are used as a wood shelf completeness of offerings in Bali. As a memorial and tribute to him, built a temple named Purancak. After holding dharmayatra Sasak and Sumbawa Island, Danghyang Dwijendra headed southwest tip of the southern island of Bali, which is in arid regions, full of rock called the hills area. After some time living there, he was getting calls from Hyang Creator to get back amoring acintia Parama moksha. This is where Ida Rauh recalled Wawu (icang eling) with Samaya (promise) himself to return to his home. That's why this place is called Cangeling and gradually became Cengiling until now.
Hence, Ida Rauh Wawu ngulati (find) a place deemed safe and appropriate to do Parama moksha. Therefore deemed ineligible, he moved again to another location. In this place, then built a temple called Pura Toadstool. The name was derived from the word ngulati.The temple is located in the village of Pecatu.
While walking to get a new location deemed eligible for Parama moksha, Ida Rauh Wawu very sad and crying inside her. Why? Because he was not willing to leave this world scale because swadharmanya not felt completely, namely the life of the Hindu religion in the Sasak and Sumbawa. At this place he mengangis, and built a temple called Pura cry (tears of origin of the word). Tears temple is located in Middle Village Banjar Indigenous Pecatu.
Ida Rauh Wawu have not found a place that is appropriate for the Parama moksha. He then arrived at a place full of large boulders. He felt alone. In this place, and built a temple called Pura Batu Diyi. Also in this place Danghyang Dwijendra feel less safe for Parama moksha. With a pretty exhausting trip hunger and thirst, he finally arrived in the hills that always gets the hot sun. For the umbrella away, he took a piece of leaf beetles and try to get drinking water sources. After the tour did not find the source of drinking water, Dwijendra Danghyang finally stuck his stick. Amertha water came forth. In this place and built a temple called Pura Umbrella with springs used Tirtha means until now.
Ida Rauh Wawu then moved again to another location, to amuse themselves before carrying out the seconds back to the origin. In this place and built a temple called Pura Selonding located in Banjar Kangin Pecatu Indigenous Village. Having satisfied herself, Danghyang Dwijendra feel tired. So he was looking for a place to rest. I was so tired to the point that he was quiet (asleep). In this place and built a temple called Pura Parerepan (parerepan means pasirepan, the inn) is located in the village of Pecatu.
Approaching the final seconds to Parama moksha, Danghyang Dwijendra purify themselves and mulat sarira first. In this place until now there stood a temple called Pura Pangleburan located in Banjar Kauh Pecatu Indigenous Village. After purifying himself, he continued his journey to the location of the southwestern tip of Bali. This place consists of the cliff rocks. When observed from below sea level, looks bertindih each other, shaped head perched on the cliff rocks, with a height between 50-100 meters above sea level.Thus called Uluwatu. Ulu Watu mean head and mean stone.
Before Danghyang Dwijendra Parama moksha, he summoned a boat skipper who had taken her from Sumbawa to the island of Bali. Boat skipper named Ki Pacek Nambangan Boat. The Pandita for help to skipper a boat carrying clothes and stick to his fourth wife in pasraman Griya Sakti in Banjar Pule Mas, Mas Village, Ubud, Gianyar. Clothing was a light green silk robe and wooden sticks. After Ki Pacek Nambangan boat headed pasraman Danghyang Dwijendra in Mas, Ida Rauh Wawu immediately toward a large rock on the east heap stones temple relics of the former kingdom of Sri Wira Kesari Dalem. On top of that stone, Ida Rauh Wawu mengranasika yoga, like a dagger off so urangka, disappeared without a trace, amoring acintia Parama moksha. Also at Uluwatu beach area with a fairly large waves is very challenging to surf sports lovers. Each year the event is always held at the international level adjacent beach about Uluwatu.

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