Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Mount Rinjani

Mataram (Reuters) - Mount Rinjani in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) with a height of 3,726 meters above sea level (asl) is an active volcano in the world's first proposed a geopark (garden earth).Expert researchers Volcano / Geology Geological Survey of Bandung Igan Supratman Sutawidjaja in Mataram said Tuesday, 53 geopark in 17 countries now no one has the status of active volcanoes, geopark in Europe is generally a hill "meta-sediments" is not an active volcano.Igan located in Mataram collect data and information on the Mount Rinjani volcano associated with the proposed plan became the first geopark in Indonesia and two in Southeast Asia."If the proposed Mount Rinjani geopark accepted into the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), the highest mountain in the NTB was the first volcano is still active is the geopark," he said.Langkawi Island in Malaysia is now listed as Southeast Asia's first geopark of 53 geoprak worldwide, 12 of them in China is a hill "meta-sediments".According to her, Mount Rinjani is the second highest volcano in Indonesia after Mount Kerinci (3800 asl) in Sumatra worthy and qualified to be a geopark, because it has many advantages.Mount Rinjani is administratively entered the district of the West Lombok, Central Lombok and East Lombok is a volcano that has the potential geowisata, but it also has a panoramic view of the caldera, lakes, peaks, craters, waterfalls, hot springs, caves, historical eruptions and lava flows new."Rinjani volcano cone appeared on the eastern edge of the caldera that has a crescent-shaped lake and in it there is a new volcanic cone which remains active until now, according to a study volcanoes that have several times experienced a major eruption," he said.The results of a series of eruptions that have formed the Mount Rinjani National Park area (TNGR) which has a morphology with the variation of rock that naturally form a stunning landscape.He said Mount Rinjani, which is part of the current TNGR has been managed by an agency that involves an element of government, private, public and private stakeholders in tourism with the name of Rinjani Tracking Management Board (RTMB).Since managed RTMB, Rinjani has several times won national and international awards including World Agency Award 2004 and the Tourism For Tomorrow Awards (2006/2008)."I am therefore optimistic that the proposal to Mount Rinjani first geopark be accepted and if the proposal is successful it will increase the number of world geopark is currently under the network (UNESCO)," said Igan.So far, tourists who visit the Mount Rinjani is still limited due to special interest tourists have to climb through the field pretty hard and heavy, to reach the top of the mountain to take between 8-12 hours.According to data from the climber of Mount Rinjani about 2,600 people per year, the actual number of visitors could be more if there is no access road to the site."Actually, could have used a cable car, but because the mountain is there sulfur gas that it could lead to material metal cable car will quickly rust so dangerous," he said.Therefore, said Igan, a solution that can be taken so that more tourists can enjoy the beauty of Mount Rinjani is to reopen the access road impassable to motor vehicles Plawangan.From Plawangan can enjoy the Segara Anak Lake at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level, in a way that the tourist visits to Mount Rinjani will increase.

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