Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Green Canyon

Green Canyon store incredible charm. A mix of rivers, green valleys, forests, and various stalactite-stalagmite. The beauty wrapped in silence, like a hidden paradise.
green Canyon were developed in 1989, but initially do not have a dock, so many boats that rush of passengers. But after Kompepar and managed by the Department of Culture and Tourism Office, which may operate boats limited to 20 boats per day. The boat was owned by the community here, there are about 75 boats are registered. Green Canyon is often called by local people Cukang Taneuh which means the land bridge, located in the Village Kertayasa, District Cijulang, Ciamis, West Java. The distance is about 31 kilometers from Pangandaran or about 393 km from Jakarta. The name Green Canyon itself was popularized by Frank and Astrid, tourists from France and Switzerland, who in 1990 came to Cukang Taneuh. From the pier Cisereuh, tourists along the river where the water is greenish. The boat could only carry a maximum of five passengers only and manned by two people in charge of operating the motor and another set the direction and keep the passenger in front. All the way lizards occasionally seen swimming in the river and disappeared into the bushes. River Cijulang indeed splitting dense forests overgrown with trees and inhabited by wild animals one lizard. Distance from dock to Cukang Taneuh about 3 kilometers or traveled in 15 minutes. Although the stinging afternoon sun but the air was cool, probably oxygen supply from the surrounding forests provide coolness and comfort. Arriving at Cukang Taneuh No fewer than 10 boats have been lean in the mouth of the cave. Apparently the trip was not the worst, other views of the phenomenon is still stored in it. Actually this Cijulang River divides the cliff, but there are parts which form the land bridge that connects the top of the cliff. Local people call it Cukang Taneuh tourist areas, which means the land bridge.
Once off the boat and climbed the rocks to pass through the base of the land bridge, It appeared natural beauty. On both sides of the river towering green cliffs, in some parts there are stalactite and stalagmite, and the cliff wall reliefs that formed naturally over millions of years more and make tourists amazed.
Not only that, if tourists want to see more beautiful scenery can swim about 10 to the buoy using. Once up, the most stunning scenery plastered front, relentless rush of water that resembles a rain soaked cliffs and rock walls. This area is called Eternal Rain, because walalupun drought, the water coming out from the cliff wall has never subsided. Still not finished admire and immortalize the beauty of this, Ade invited to go up to the cliffs as high as 15 meters into the bathing pool. It is said that anyone believed that bathing in the place will stay young, smooth soul mate and fortune.

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