Jayawijaya Mountains is a mountain range that lies at the center of the province of West Papua and Papua (Indonesia) to Papua New Guinea on the island of New Guinea. There are six peaks in the mountainous Jayawijaya: Puncak Jaya (formerly Peak Carstenz Pyramide), Meren Peak, Peak Northwall, Ngga Pulu Peak, Peak Sudirman, and Peak Trikora. Peaks with perpetual snow exists only in the first four peaks. But unfortunately this eternal snow began to melt due to global climate change.
Of the six peaks in these mountains, Puncak Jaya is the highest peak 4884 meters above sea level (masl). Even Jayawijaya mountain peak named as one of the top seven continents. But do you know if the so-called top of the continent was once the ocean floor? The proof of the various fossil sea shells found in the top of the mountain. So that dream into the tops of pegungungan Jayawijaya not only hikers but also the world's geological research.
Apparently 60 million years ago New Guinea was still in the seabed formed by sedimentary rocks. Long story short in time millions of years saw various tectonic activity and sedimentation resulting in the mainland of Papua is still fused with Australia. Gradually the land was divided and produce the islands and mountains in Papua as we know it today.
There are still many secrets of the rocks Jayawijaya untapped and still many who have never climbed the highest peak in Indonesia. So you choose which one? So rock climbers accomplished or renowned researcher? Both can be done in Jayawijaya Mountains.
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