Kamis, 03 November 2011


Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, is a kaleidoscope of religion, nationality, and architectural wonders - and all in the range 30-minute plane ride from the most amazing mountains I've ever seen, the Himalayas.
We arrived in Kathmandu from Abu Dhabi after a four hour flight comfortable using Etihad Airlines, immediately greeted with the arrival of a troublesome procedure. There, visa photo I could fly from the hands of immigration officers, exit the terminal window to the ground plane, but fortunately the land officers immediately arrested by Etihad. After passing through customs, we waited 20 minutes to travel agents arrived. As we learned later, Kathmandu is not a city for those who are faint of heart, or search for a five-star luxury class.
But after these little difficulties, we arrived at Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu is one of accommodation is high class, get into a comfortable room with views of gardens and swimming pools (one full of water, only a blank) and found a bar near the center the city to celebrate our arrival in Nepal. Next, we ate curry at an Indian restaurant where we were entertained by two exciting singers Nepal.
The next day, we just started touring around the city. Our travel agent to pick up - we thought he was late again, but apparently the time in Nepal was strangely 15 minutes slower than most of the time zone - and immediately we were taken to various places extraordinary. Bodnath Temple, built in the style of architecture similar to neighboring Tibet, the roof you can see beautiful scenery and colorful surrounding communities. Next we stopped a little long in the Hindu religious site, Pashupathinath, final resting place for those who passed away. Our Nepalese guide gives an explanation of the funeral ritual. He brought me very close to the volcano is very hot, place the legs of humans that have not burned and skull shape that can still be seen. Ashes were then sown in a slow-moving river which is considered sacred.
After the place smelled of death, we are ready for a light lunch of fried potatoes and sauce in a cafe with beautiful views near Patan, full of temples and palaces built in the 18th century. We walked toward the square that busy after lunch, stop by and stopped at several temples before returning to Kathmandu. Once there, we walked for an hour enjoying the Durbar Square, where we see more temples, and ended the day in the hills looking at the city from a distance - and yes, to visit another temple, looking at monkeys swimming in a nearby pond.
After surrounding the exotic and dusty Kathmandu, next day we went to the Himalayas. We left Kathmandu with little fear of facing the track for three days to Annapurna, and after a 30-minute flight up the Yeti Airlines, we arrived in Pokhara, the Himalaya foothills. There shrines and concurrently the leader guides the track, Rottna, with porters who kept smiling, greeted us. We kept smiling Porter probably because we actually take the minimum required amount of clothes for trekking. He just had to carry 10 kg of goods than the goods that must be taken of other porters, assisted by several donkeys, which can be up to three times our luggage.
Our first day of trekking, we pass through beautiful valleys and along the riverbanks - which makes us surprised - through many small villages. We meet farmers, school children and parents to our first nights accommodation in a small village Tikedungha. There we enjoyed dinner with a dish of rice and chicken, followed by local wines that can make the eyes water, along with several walkers from Europe and America, as well as the guides and porters. Our overnight accommodations for $ 5, it would not be surprising if the bathroom facilities that we have been quite simple. At least the bathwater warm, though we never used to the squat toilet.
The next day, we were off again at 8 am. The reason is we have to climb 3000 stairs on the side of the mountain. After that, the path we passed a little flat and we passed more forests and villages. After walking for 5 hours and stopped several times, we arrive at Ghorapani, we stop that afternoon, after a strong storm passed. Even so, our guide insisted that this storm was a sign there will be sunny the next day. Where we live is simple, but becomes alive because yak steak and local liquor. We went to bed early that night, hoping that we could see the sun rise tomorrow at 5 am after the cloudy weather throughout the afternoon.
Currently, we have reached an altitude of 10 thousand feet and the next morning, we saw a warning on the risk of altitude as it passes through a kind of monument for visitors from Australia who died suddenly without warning. We climbed for an hour before dawn and were greeted by cool weather and clear skies at the top of Poon Hill, incredible views of the eight peaks of the Himalayas.
Our guide is correct, the storm the night before turned into a clear sky in the morning.
Then we went back to the lodge for breakfast eggs and bacon before running again for 8 hours to our starting point. Steep gradient seemed sharper as it goes down, we also felt the movements of the muscles which have not we think there is. Finally, after one hour taxi ride which makes goose bumps and very decrepit - and feel very proud of our trekking skills - we arrived at the Fish Tail Lodge in Pokhara. The next day we spent the morning see the amazing views from the hotel and walk to the shops before boarding clothes and books using the Yeti Airlines afternoon flight back to Kathmandu to spend another night there.
That night, we met an old friend from Sydney in a quiet vegetarian Indian restaurant and serves delicious food. He was retired from the British Consulate and spent three years in Nepal to learn the language and absorbing the local culture.
On the last day, we saw more and more mixing of cultures on small streets and alleys in the city of Bhaktapur stunning, with the temples of the 18th century who maintained her condition and another cafe on the roof to enjoy the atmosphere. After returning to Kathmandu for more busy streets that are still repaired and a little cake and tea in the hotel lounge is civilized, it was time to go to the airport and saying goodbye to friends, travel agents and Kathmandu.
Six nights are the trips that are too short, but enough to give a sense of amazing culture and scenery of Nepal. We could buy better clothes trekking, useful for the Philippines or in Europe, we are pretty sure to come back and feel the track is longer (five or six days) to catch a glimpse of the world's highest mountain, Everest. We are realistic enough to know we will not get to Base Camp, but sure enough to get through the track is longer in one
line with the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Jaya wijaya mountain

Where can we find snow in Indonesia? Only at the top of the mountain Jayawijaya. Special, snow in Jayawijaya not like snow in the 4 seasons that are only a few months. Snow in one of the highest peak in Indonesia will be there forever.
Jayawijaya Mountains is a mountain range that lies at the center of the province of West Papua and Papua (Indonesia) to Papua New Guinea on the island of New Guinea. There are six peaks in the mountainous Jayawijaya: Puncak Jaya (formerly Peak Carstenz Pyramide), Meren Peak, Peak Northwall, Ngga Pulu Peak, Peak Sudirman, and Peak Trikora. Peaks with perpetual snow exists only in the first four peaks. But unfortunately this eternal snow began to melt due to global climate change.
Of the six peaks in these mountains, Puncak Jaya is the highest peak 4884 meters above sea level (masl). Even Jayawijaya mountain peak named as one of the top seven continents. But do you know if the so-called top of the continent was once the ocean floor? The proof of the various fossil sea shells found in the top of the mountain. So that dream into the tops of pegungungan Jayawijaya not only hikers but also the world's geological research.
Apparently 60 million years ago New Guinea was still in the seabed formed by sedimentary rocks. Long story short in time millions of years saw various tectonic activity and sedimentation resulting in the mainland of Papua is still fused with Australia. Gradually the land was divided and produce the islands and mountains in Papua as we know it today.
There are still many secrets of the rocks Jayawijaya untapped and still many who have never climbed the highest peak in Indonesia. So you choose which one? So rock climbers accomplished or renowned researcher? Both can be done in Jayawijaya Mountains.


Cold, so you'll feel when you first get out of the car. Here the temperature reaches 10 degrees to 0 degrees Celsius even during the morning. So, you should prepare for winter clothes, hats skullcaps, gloves, socks, scarves to overcome them. But, if you forget about the equipment, there are many vendors offering wares in the form of hats, gloves, or scarves.
Seeing the Bromo Sunrise from Pananjakan
Regular visitors to visit this area since the early days with the aim to see the rising sun. To view them, you have to climb Mount Pananjakan which is the highest mountain in the region. Field that must be traversed to get to Mount Pananjakan a heavy terrain. To get to the foot of Mount Pananjakan, you have to go through the desert-like area that can make you get lost. When the need to climb Mount Pananjakan, narrow streets and lots of sharp turns would require a high driving skills. To that end, many visitors choose to rent a car hardtop (a type jeep) driven by the community. The community is derived from the Tengger tribe is friendly with visitors.
Up above, there are many shops serving coffee or tea and a fire to warm the body while waiting for the sun tebitnya time. There are also stores that rent out warm clothing. Watching the sunrise indeed an interesting event. The proof, the visitors are willing to wait since 5 am facing east so as not to lose this moment. You also do not always able to see this event, because if the cloudy sky, the appearance of the sun is not seen clearly. However, when the sky is clear, you can see the roundness of the sun which first matches only small pins, slowly enlarge and eventually form a complete circle and shed light so that we can see the view of the mountains in this region. Among others, Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, or Mount Semeru is the highest mountain on the island of Java.
Bromo crater and the Ocean Sand
Finished watching the sunrise, you can go back down the mountain and towards Mount Bromo Pananjakan. Sunlight can make you see the scenery around. Turns out you pass through the sea of ​​sand which covers 10 km ². Arid regions are filled with sand and just a little overgrown grasses that dry. A gust of wind, making the sand fly and can complicate your breathing.
To reach the foot of Mount Bromo, you can not use the vehicle. Instead, you should hire a horse at a price of Rp 70,000, - or if you feel strong, you can choose to walk. But, it should be noted that walking is not easy, because scorching sun, long distances, flying dust can make the trip harder.
Now, you have to climb the stairs that number reached 250 stairs to see the crater of Mount Bromo. Arriving at Bromo is the high peak of 2392 m above sea level, you can see the crater of Mount Bromo smoke. You can also cast your gaze down, and saw the sea of ​​sand with a temple in its midst. It's really incredibly rare and unusual that we enjoy.


Tour busParis adalah salah satu kota di Eropa yang menyimpan banyak keindahan. Liburan kali ini kami memutuskan untuk mengunjungi kota Paris di musim semi ini. Kami sengaja menggunakan bis untuk pergi ke Paris berbeda dengan liburan beberapa waktu yang lalu menggunakan kereta api. Alasan menggunakan bis adalah ingin mendapatkan suasana baru selama perjalanan.
Opera de Paris GarnierSetelah menempuh perjalanan sekitar 10 jam, akhirnya kami sampai juga di Paris. Selama di Paris kami menggunakan Metro sebutan untuk transportasi kereta bawah tanah, yang memudahkan kami untuk bergerak dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. Untuk memudahkan acara berkeliling di obyek-obyek wisata yang ada di Paris, kami menggunakan bis khusus untuk wisata. Bis tersebut ada empat jalur yaitu hijau, orange, kuning dan biru. Keempat jalur bis tersebut dapat mengantarkan kami ke banyak tempat-tempat yang indah di Paris. Ada dua pilihan yang ditawarkan oleh bis wisata ini, yaitu membayar 29 euro per orang untuk satu hari atau 32 euro per orang untuk dua hari. Kami pun memilih untuk membayar selama dua hari.

Louvre MuseumHari pertama kami memilih menggunakan jalur hijau. Jalur ini merupakan jalur paling padat maka tidak heran kami harus berdesak-desakan untuk memilih tempat di atas karena ingin lebih menikmati suasana kota Paris dan dapat mengambil gambar paling bagus untuk melukiskan keindahan kota tersebut. Jalur ini paling banyak melewati obyek-obyek wisata yang terkenal di Paris seperti Opera de Paris Garnier, Museum Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral, Arc de Triomphe dan tentu saja Menara Eiffel. Hari kedua kami mengelilingi kota Paris menggunakan tiga jalur yang lain. Jalur-jalur tersebut tidak seramai jalur hijau namun pemandangan kota Paris yang disajikan tidak kalah cantiknya. Kami dapat melihat Palais Bourbon, Madeleine, dan lain-lain.
Louvre PyramidBerikut ini adalah sedikit gambaran tentang keindahan kota Paris yang saya abadikan lewat beberapa foto.
Notre-Dame CathedralOpera de Paris Garnier (Palais Garnier) dirancang oleh Charles Garnier untuk Kaisar Napoleon III. Bangunan bergaya barok tersebut merupakan simbol penting abad ke-19 pada Kekaisaran Kedua Perancis. Palais Garnier dibangun pada tahun 1862. Tempat ini sekarang banyak digunakan untuk pertunjukan balet. Opera de Paris Garnier merupakan salah satu teater terbesar di dunia dengan kapasitas tempat duduk sekitar 2.200. Bangunan opera tersebut berukuran panjang 172 m, lebar 125 m dan tinggi 73,6 m.
Pada awalnya Louvre dibangun sebagai benteng abad ke-12, kemudian diubah menjadi sebuah istana kerajaan di abad ke-14. Saat ini Louvre merupakan salah satu museum terbesar dan paling banyak dikunjungi di dunia. Akhir abad ke-18 adalah pertama kali Louvre menjadi museum publik. Lukisan Mona Lisa adalah salah satu karya seni yang paling terkenal di museum tersebut. Piramida kaca yang dibangun pada tahun 1989 oleh arsitek amerika IM Pei semakin melengkapi kemegahan Museum Louvre.Notre Dame bukan merupakan katedral terbesar di dunia, akan tetapi mungkin menjadi salah satu katedral yang paling terkenal di dunia. Uskup Maurice de Sully memulai kontruksi katedral ini pada tahun 1163. Bangunan ini bergaya gotik dan mencerminkan status Paris sebagai ibukota Kerajaan Perancis pada waktu itu. Katedral ini memiliki panjang 128 m dengan dua menara setinggi 69 m. Puncak menara yang mencapai 90 m ditambahkan pada abad ke-19 oleh Viollet le Duc.Arc de Triomphe (lengkungan kemenangan) dibangun atas permintaan Napoleon pada tahun 1806 untuk memperingati kemenangannya. Bangunan tersebut diukir dengan nama-nama jenderal yang memimpin pasukan Perancis selama rezim Napoleon. Arc de Triomphe didesain oleh Jean Chalgrin yang didasarkan pada Arch of Titus di Roma. Tinggi bangunan ini mencapai 50 m. Detail Relief Marseillaise menghiasi bangunan ini dengan indah.Menara Eiffel adalah simbol kota Paris dan merupakan bangunan yang paling terkenal di Eropa. Menara ini dibangun dalam rangka Pameran Dunia tahun 1889 yang diselenggarakan untuk memperingati Revolusi Perancis tahun 1789. Tinggi Menara Eiffel mencapai 300 m. Struktur Menara Eiffel dirancang oleh Gustave Eiffel, yang juga dikenal merancang kerangka besi untuk pembangunan Patung Liberty di Amerika Serikat.Palais Bourbon juga dikenal dengan Assemblee Nationale sejak tahun 1830 merupakan sebuah bangunan Parlemen Perancis. Palais Bourbon dibangun oleh Duchess Bourbon, putri Raja Louis XIV dan Madame de Montespan. Bangunan ini dirancang oleh arsitek Italia Giardini dan Hardouin Mansart, yang mulai dibangun pada tahun 1722 dan selesai pada tahun 1728.Madeleine adalah sebuah gereja yang didedikasikan untuk St Maria Magdalena. Karena di Perancis Magdalena dikenal sebagai Madeleine, maka bangunan besar ini dinamakan Madeleine. Pada awalnya bangunan ini dirancang oleh arsitek Pierre Konstan d’Ivry yang dimulai pada tahun 1764 dan didesain mirip dengan gereja Invalides. Namun kemudian rancangan tersebut diganti oleh Guillome-Martin Couture. Dia memutuskan untuk meruntuhkan bangunan yang belum selesai tersebut dan mulai dengan desain baru yang mendasarkan pada Pantheon.Selama perjalanan menggunakan bis wisata tersebut, kami mendapatkan fasilitas audio guide. Menggunakan headset yang telah disediakan di masing-masing tempat duduk, kami dapat memilih program bahasa yang diinginkan. Ada kira-kira sepuluh pilihan bahasa, sayangnya tidak ada pilihan bahasa Indonesia. Di dalam bis juga tersedia peta dan leaflet tentang kota Paris. Tidak ketinggalan terdapat satu mesin untuk membeli beraneka ragam minuman. Minuman, ya sesuatu yang amat penting dibutuhkan oleh tubuh agar tidak terkena dehidrasi selama melakukan perjalanan. Maklum cuaca kota Paris waktu itu cerah dan mataharinya cukup terik meskipun belum memasuki musim panas.
Canal Paris
Di samping bangunan-bangunan indah khas Eropa, kota Paris juga dihiasi oleh kanal yang panjang. Banyak kapal-kapal wisata yang juga menawarkan jasa mengelilingi kota Paris melalui kanal tersebut. Keindahan kota Paris dapat kita nikmati kala siang ataupun malam. Liburan yang singkat ini rasanya belum cukup untuk menikmati keindahan kota tersebut. Masih banyak tempat lain yang belum kami datangi seperti Disneyland Paris. Namun liburan kemarin tetap memberikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan membuat salah satu mimpi saya terwujud yaitu berada di Paris kota dengan segala keindahannya. Mudah-mudahan masih ada kesempatan lain untuk kami dapat kembali datang ke Paris.